Edward, Prince of Wales (1894 - 1972) Original Signature on...



£350 - £500

Edward, Prince of Wales (1894 - 1972) Original Signature on "Order of Service" (Later to become King Edward VIII)

More Information

4633 - An original signature on an "order of service" (measuring 5"x 8" when folded) -Edward was created Prince of Wales on his 16th birthday, seven weeks after his father succeeded as king. As a young man, Edward served in the British Army during the First World War and undertook several overseas tours on behalf of his father. He would later become King Edward VIII following the death of his father King George V.. H: 12cm W: 20cm D: 1cm

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Auction Ends: 21st May 24 from 7pm

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Ends Tue 21st May 2024 from 7pm